Deragon Days

DSB is our motto: Dont Stop Believing:
1) in God
2) in your family
3) in yourself

this is from mine and Billys song
from Journey!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Codys baseball

This year Cody had a tough time deciding if he really wanted to play or not. He was tired of losing and said he wasn't any good...I told him he was a foot taller than last year and a whole lot stronger and that he would have an advantage over the other teams as well as his own players. He decided to play and low and behold he ended the season with the best batting average on his team, the only team ball given out the entire season for MVP and a hat covered in stickers for his efforts. (At first he thought the stickers were lame until he realized how few were given out. Only to those who put forth the most effort and deserved it) He played shortstop and third and his coach said there isn't a better short stop out there in his division. Way to go Cody and it goes to show...Never Give up!

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