Deragon Days

DSB is our motto: Dont Stop Believing:
1) in God
2) in your family
3) in yourself

this is from mine and Billys song
from Journey!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Time to Catch up!

Its time to catch up! Cody got his permit in May

Courtney got Married!!

We had a Stay-cation and went to sixflags, hurricane harbor,pools,movies 
Amazing Jakes and out to eat a lot. 

Beach with friends

She loves her skates

Hanging at the Mall

Ranger game with the Gustavesons!

New Nephew..Gregory Martin Shepard

Working Man, Sign spinning and at Albertsons

Back to School

Junior Year

Freshman Year

6th Grade

Second Grade

Savannah did an American Girl Commercial and 
was rewarded by a free doll

Since All the kiddos are in School I started watching 
Andrew who is 9 months. He is a cutie and his
moms a teacher so I am off when the kids are off so thats nice!

Billys had to travel more with this job and Savannah has begged to 
Sleep with me but after this it won't be happening again.
I had no room to sleep!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Savannahs Smiles

Love this girl. She is so giving and thoughtful and a good friend
to all she knows.


The Easter bunny comes Friday night at out house. 

Easter picnic and hunt with the cousins.