Deragon Days

DSB is our motto: Dont Stop Believing:
1) in God
2) in your family
3) in yourself

this is from mine and Billys song
from Journey!

Monday, June 7, 2010


So I took the boys camping (by myself) it was too hot for Billy so he kept Savannah. A bunch of our ward families came so it was a blast. My main push for going was so Cam could pass off some scout stuff that I wanted done at the father and son but it was rained out. We went to a members land and they fed animals, did archery, volleyball, teather ball and cooked smores and hot dogs. We brought home a new family member...Speedy the turtle. He is fast. We have already lost him a couple of times. They had a great time until in the middle of the night it started POURING and are tents couldnt keep up and we ended up sleeping in the van and left at the crack of dawn with everything caked in mud...Billy just laughed and said "I told you it would be bad" but it wasn't until 2am :)

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