Deragon Days

DSB is our motto: Dont Stop Believing:
1) in God
2) in your family
3) in yourself

this is from mine and Billys song
from Journey!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cams 20 mile hike

The Deacons have been preparing for a 20 mile hike. His bag with water weighed 35 pounds. The sleeping bag which was good for subzeroe temps weighed 10 pounds at least! Cam only weighs 88 pounds. We had to get up at 5:30 am and he was soo tired. I think the picture tells exactly how he was

Thanks to the YM pres. I got some more photos....good thing he had that sleeping bag cause it snowed on them! they only ended up doing 10 miles because it took them 6 hours to go 5 miles. The leaders threw all the sleeping bags in a truck for the hike back down the trails and they made the 5 miles in 1hr and a half. He had a great time though and said it was hard. Next time he said he is dressing warmer and packing lighter....I don't think he could of possibly packed lighter though. They also were responsible for their own food. He had beefjerkey, trailmix. and tuna.

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