Deragon Days

DSB is our motto: Dont Stop Believing:
1) in God
2) in your family
3) in yourself

this is from mine and Billys song
from Journey!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

my tired baby

After his first full week back in school after two years and a scout camp out he was just exhausted! He is such a sweet boy and always very aware of trying to Choose the Right. He is soo funny and always has us cracking up. I miss not having him home these last couple of weeks :(


  1. What's the story about him being back in school? are you guys in melissa now??

  2. I forgot you didnt know, I put him in so I could see what we needed to work on this summer to have him ready for melissa...but we arent having any luck renting our house out yet frustrating lol
